Welcome to the new free online community for adult only children. This website has been set up by a small group of adult onlies to offer you a voice as a fellow adult only child. The fact you have found us means you have some interest in finding out more about only child experience. Keep reading to see what we can offer you and what you may be able to contribute to us. We hope you will want to join our new community in supporting each other and witnessing each others lives.

Why not register for free and join the OCA community?! 

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Our first website: www.onlychild.org.uk was set up by me, Bernice Sorensen, when I was researching the experiences of adult only children through their life stages. This website contains some of the original emails and research that lead me to write the book ‘Only Child Experience and Adulthood’ and various other publications which are all available to you free through onlychildadult.com.Since then I have met such wonderful people from all over the world, many of whom have asked me to create a website community that would open up the dialogue between adult onlies further.

This website is not about me; rather it aims to create a growing online community and give the opportunity for onlies to share their experiences, both the joys and challenges, of growing up and living as an adult only. It also aims to support and share experiences associated with lack of siblings particularly, for example, the loneliness  which some of us feel are a result of the isolation of being an only child; or the stigma some people may experience in being just one; or the care of elderly parents when you are the only one responsible. You may prefer just to make contact with other onlies and that is what this community is all about. In fact feel free to contribute anything that you would like to share!

This online community is totally free; however, to prevent spam you must first register: see below for instructions.  Once logged in you can add content and talk with other onlies.

How to Register and log in 

Go to Forum at the top of the page. Click and it tells you to register. Once filled in you will be sent an activation email which you need to activate and then you can log in either on the Register or the Log in

Another site you may be interested in:


Only Child Experience and Research


Read Bernice's blog post and you add your own stories and share your thoughts with other onlies or parent's of onlies

We will be linking this site to the new site to create more traffic and therefore more of your posts which offer so much support and help to other onlies. 


Only Child Adult

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